Weekend Writing Warriors ~ 06/02/2024 ~ Mischief Under the Mistletoe~ A Special Birthday Celebration


Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors !

So much has been going on I didn’t realize it’s almost been a month since I posted here. I went to Chicago for my daughter’s play which was fabulous. Then I came down with conjunctivitis and have been unable to see clearly for almost two weeks. But now I’m back with the first book in the reboot of my Handful of Hearts series. It’s a Christmas story, and it’s actually a prequel to the new The Matchmaker’s Ball series called Mischief Under the Mistletoe.  It went up on pre-order on Amazon yesterday and will release on July 16 as part of my Christmas in July promo. So I’ll be showing snippets of it for the next few weeks!

Mischief Under the Mistletoe



Every romance needs a bit of mischief. . .

At her eighteenth birthday celebration Jenny Crowley’s parents announce that instead of having the London Season she’s dreamed of for years, Jenny has actually been betrothed from birth to Alexander Isley, son of family friends and heir to a title. A distraught Jenny refuses point-blank to marry Alec, and when her aunt offers to whisk her away to a festive Christmas house party–complete with many eligible young bachelors–Jenny jumps at the chance to enjoy a variety of entertainments, be courted, and perhaps find the man of her dreams.

Alec Isley is between a rock and a hard place. He desires a marriage with Jenny about as much as she does, but when his family’s dire financial status comes out, he follows Jenny to the house party in hopes of convincing her to marry him after all. When he discovers who else is courting her there, Alec is frantic to keep her from making a horrible mistake. Struggling with his unexpected new-found feelings for his childhood friend, can Alec convince her of his love in time to save her from being ruined under the mistletoe?


“Happy birthday, my dear.” Mama smiled her lovely, sweet smile, her eyes brimming with tears and hugged Jenny around the shoulders. “Your favorite desert for your special birthday.” She motioned for Agnes, the maid, to enter the festively decorated dining room.  Candles burned brightly in the best silver candleholders all along the blue damasked covered table. Bows of gaily colored lace adorned the chair where Jenny sat in the place of honor on this great occasion, in Mama’s seat at the end of the table. Her closest friends and family were gathered around the table to wish her well on this auspicious day.

Jenny twisted around to see, as though she were a mere eight rather than a dignified young lady of eighteen. She turned again and straightened her new blue silk striped gown, feigning reserve when what she wanted to do was shout and skip all over the house.  She had done it, had at last turned eighteen–this year all her dreams would come true.

And a little bit more…

“Happy birthday, Jenny.”  Alexander Isley leaned toward her, his deep voice startling her out of her daydream. He was seated to her right, and currently running his finger around the top of a very tightly tied cravat.  The elder brother of her best friend, Alec had ever been a presence when she and his sister, Margaret, played together growing up. 

“Thank you, Alec. It’s so good to see you today. It’s been ages, hasn’t it?”  She smiled and patted his hand.  He’d almost been the brother she’d never had, playing with her and Margaret constantly throughout their childhood years. Sadly, she’d not seen much of him the past few years. First, he’d been off at university, then living in London attending to some sort of family business Mama had said. The last time she’d seen him had been at Margaret’s wedding.

His quick, lopsided grin assured her he hadn’t changed an iota.  He’d always used that silly smile to tease her.


Mischief Under the Mistletoe is available for pre-order on Amazon for just .99! Grab your copy here!! It will release on Amazon and on other platforms on July 16, 2024.


Don’t forget to check out the rest of the WWW snippets here! There’s some great stories out there!

This entry was posted in Blog Hops, Historical Romance, Holiday Posts, Holiday romance, Mischief Under the Mistletoe, On Weekend Writing Warriors, Promotion, Regency Romance, The Matchmaker's Ball, Weekend Writing Warriors and tagged , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

11 Responses to Weekend Writing Warriors ~ 06/02/2024 ~ Mischief Under the Mistletoe~ A Special Birthday Celebration

  1. sidlaw0425 says:

    This looks like a fantastic read. Thanks for the giveaway opportunity.


  2. clickclickmycat says:

    I just love reading Christmas based stories during the holidays. I am such a fan of your books. Historical romances are my favorite.


  3. Glenda M says:

    This sounds like a fun Christmas story! Thanks for the preview!


  4. Cheryl C. says:

    I love Christmas stories!


  5. bn100 says:

    nice cover


  6. drew33201940c7de3c2a says:

    Thank you !


  7. Colleen C. says:

    Oh this sounds good! 🙂


  8. Christmas in July! I love this story–one of my faves!

    Sorry about your eyes giving you trouble. Glad everything is okay. 🙂


  9. Kate Hill says:

    I love this! They’ll learn to want what they already have. Ordered and looking forward to reading it in July!


  10. Kate Warren says:

    Oh that poor girl. The birthday surprise Jenny is in for is not what she’s expecting. I so adore a good Christmas story, and this one sounds like it will be great fun!

    Liked by 1 person

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