A Countess Never Tells is on Sale!

A Countess Never Tells on Sale for .99!


They say rakes make the best husbands…but do they?

At the age of twenty-four, vivacious Kitty Tate is having the time of her life in her first London Season—such a good time in fact, she’s caught the eye of Lord Ashwood, the ton’s most notorious rake. And he’s caught hers.

She’s instantly taken with the handsome lord and finding out he’s a scoundrel doesn’t deter her one bit. Nor does her brother forbidding her from seeing him. Unfortunately for him, Kitty has a mind of her own and the willpower to fight for what she wants.

After a brush with death, dedicated rake Lord Ashwood has changed his tune and is ready to marry and secure his line. Unfortunately, his reputation is so bad he’s considered virtually unmarriageable by the ton. Intrigued by Miss Tate’s delicious blend of innocent and siren, he’s willing to make a bona fide offer for her. When he finds Kitty eager for his attentions, Ash’s desire for her burns brighter still.

But a dastardly wager surfaces, and Ash discovers a truly despicable man is determined to ravish Kitty at any cost. Now forbidden to marry her, Ash must find another way to protect the woman he’s come to love before she’s ruined by another man.

If you love romances about charming rakes, like Simon in The Duke and I and Sebastian in Devil in Winter, you’re going to love Ash in A Countess Never Tells.

Here’s an excerpt in which Ash and Kitty are dancing a graceful if somewhat staid minuet:


When Miss Tate gave him a rueful smile in return, Ash wanted to whoop for joy. He’d managed to divert the lady’s ire away from him.

“I do admit you comported yourself well, Lord Ashwood. You dance admirably. I cannot fault you there.”

They broke apart, and the ladies circled together in the center of the floor. Ash’s gaze was trained on his partner, admiring her grace and the exuberance she displayed in the simple steps of the minuet. She’d told him she loved to dance. That had been nothing but the truth.

The couples met again, and Ash opened his mouth to compliment her on her dancing but was interrupted. “But watching you dance is scarcely why I wished to stand up with you for this minuet, my lord.”

Her words took him so aback he almost lost track of the intricate steps. Thank God for his tireless early training with the dancing master at Brierly Park, who’d made him master every dance imaginable until he could perform them in his sleep. What was the woman talking about? “I beg your pardon, Miss Tate?”

They walked down the down the dance floor with stately steps.

At last, Miss Tate spoke. “I am dancing before this assembly with a notorious rake. I expected something more than a staid promenade from you, my lord. What is the use of being a rake if one does not make the most of it to entertain a lady?”

“What use indeed.” Ash shook his head. Miss Tate was proving more of a handful than he’d ever expected. “One should excel at one’s deeds, be they good or bad, don’t you think?”

To his delight, the lady burst forth with a peal of genuine laughter. “True, my lord. If you must be a rake, by all means, be the best one you can be.”

They broke apart again, her teasing words ringing in his ears. Here was a woman worth pursuing.

They came back together to promenade down the floor.

“There may be a problem, however, Miss Tate. Lady Phoebe may not have heard, but I am a reformed rake.”

Miss Tate’s eyes widened. “What? What does that mean?”

“It means that I have given up my life of notorious behavior and am currently in the process of deciding to which lady I wish to pay court.” Ash hadn’t stated his intention so baldly and succinctly before, but he believed it best to let Miss Tate know precisely what was at stake.

From the wide-eyed look and mouth in a perfect O, she understood exactly. Then she let out a peal of laughter. “Why do I not believe that, my lord?”

“My reputation has that effect on people, I grant you. However, I will swear to you, my reformation is true. And as such, I wish to take this opportunity to act boldly and beg you to join a party I’ve gotten up for Vauxhall tomorrow evening. There are to be fireworks, which are simply not to be missed, Miss Tate.”

Her hands squeezed his, sending a jolt through his body. “Fireworks, my lord? Truly?” The excitement in her voice gave him hope, despite her disparagement of his intent.

“I promise, Miss Tate. If you attend, there will be fireworks.”

A Countess Never Tells is available on Amazon currently for .99.

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2 Responses to A Countess Never Tells is on Sale!

  1. Nancy Gideon says:

    On my way to One Click . . .

    Liked by 1 person

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